
A Gluten Free Lifestyle

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A Gluten Free Lifestyle

Over a year ago, I purchased a book about the popular gluten free diet trend. While reading the book, I was astonished to discover some of the researched medical benefits of eating gluten free foods. After some deliberation, I decided to opt for a gluten free lifestyle myself. In the beginning, this process was difficult. Then, I discovered the many gluten free items available in one of my local grocery stores. This particular store offered gluten free bread, pasta, cookies, and even pretzels. I was overjoyed that I could continue eating some of my favorite foods while adhering to a gluten free diet plan. On this blog, you will discover several gluten free options of your favorite foods available on the market today.


4 Tips For Enjoying Russian Osetra Caviar

Caviar is considered a delicacy in many parts of the world. It's especially prized in Russia, a country that produces some of the best caviar in the world. Enjoying caviar can help you refine your palate and make your taste more sophisticated. If you've never tried caviar before, there are a few things you can do to make the experience a great one. Here are four tips that will help you start enjoying caviar: 

1. Purchase high-quality caviar

Much like sushi, caviar is served raw. When you purchase a tin of caviar, you will receive a vacuum-sealed container containing fresh fish roe. Since caviar is eaten in an unadulterated state, you'll need to purchase high-quality caviar for the best flavor experience. Russian Osetra caviar is great caviar for beginners. This type of caviar is harvested from sturgeons and offers a mild, nutty taste in addition to the briny flavor found in all caviar. You can purchase Russian Osetra caviar online, where it will be shipped fresh to your door.

2. Enjoy your caviar with crackers or blinis

Some people enjoy eating caviar on its own. It's perfectly acceptable to eat caviar by the spoonful. However, some people don't like the taste of pure caviar. While you're still getting used to the flavor of Osetra caviar, you may enjoy eating caviar with crackers or blinis. Caviar and sour cream are traditional toppings for blinis, and many people find that the delicious crunch of water crackers offsets the creaminess of Russian Osetra caviar nicely. Feel free to try out different pairings until you discover your favorite way to eat caviar.

3. Finish your caviar while it's fresh

Caviar should be finished while it's still fresh. Caviar that sits in the refrigerator for too long may start to take on the other flavors found in your refrigerator, or it may begin to degrade. For best results, finish your Russian Osetra caviar within a couple of days of opening. If you find that you're unable to finish your caviar on your own, you can invite some friends over to share it with you.

4. Pair your caviar with a drink

Finally, you can enjoy your caviar by pairing it with a drink. Russian Osetra caviar pairs nicely with dry red wines. You can also enjoy your caviar with vodka, a traditional Russian drink. When choosing a vodka to enjoy with your caviar, make sure to choose a high-quality spirit.

If you want to try these tips out, contact a supplier that offers Russian Osetra caviar online.