
A Gluten Free Lifestyle

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A Gluten Free Lifestyle

Over a year ago, I purchased a book about the popular gluten free diet trend. While reading the book, I was astonished to discover some of the researched medical benefits of eating gluten free foods. After some deliberation, I decided to opt for a gluten free lifestyle myself. In the beginning, this process was difficult. Then, I discovered the many gluten free items available in one of my local grocery stores. This particular store offered gluten free bread, pasta, cookies, and even pretzels. I was overjoyed that I could continue eating some of my favorite foods while adhering to a gluten free diet plan. On this blog, you will discover several gluten free options of your favorite foods available on the market today.


4 Frozen Desserts To Make With Milk Caramel

Milk caramel is a sweet, creamy treat that can be enjoyed in many different ways. You can eat milk caramel straight out of the jar or use it as an ingredient in your favorite recipes. Here are four ways you can turn milk caramel into delicious frozen desserts:

1. Caramel Frappes 

Frappes are a great treat for coffee-lovers, but they can be very expensive in cafes. Luckily, it's easy to make frappes at home. Start by brewing coffee and chilling it in your refrigerator. Once your coffee is cold, pour a cup of it into your blender. Add ice, cream, and milk caramel. Blend this mixture together until it achieves a smooth, frozen consistency.

2. Caramel Ice Cream

Ice cream is a beloved dessert. There's nothing quite like the rich, creamy taste of fresh ice cream. Fortunately, it's easy to make ice cream on your own with the right equipment. An ice cream–making machine will allow you to easily craft batches of ice cream. To make caramel ice cream, start with your favorite vanilla or chocolate ice cream recipe. Freeze it in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions. As your ice cream starts to set, pour milk caramel into it. This process will create thick, sweet ribbons of caramel in your ice cream.

3. Ice Cream Sundaes

If you love ice cream but you're in the mood for something more elaborate, try an ice cream sundae. Ice cream sundaes offer a mixture of flavors and textures to delight your senses. To craft your sundae, place two scoops of high-quality vanilla ice cream in a dish. Heat milk caramel using your stove or microwave, and pour it over the top of your ice cream. Add whipped cream, chopped nuts, and a maraschino cherry to complete your dessert. If you're feeling especially hungry, you can add a banana to your sundae to make it a banana split.

4. Caramel Ice Pops

Ice pops can help you cool down on a hot day. This dessert is perfectly portable, which makes it a hit with children who don't want to stop playing to enjoy their treats. To make caramel ice pops, simply stir milk caramel into plain milk. If the caramel doesn't readily dissolve, you can gently warm the milk to better incorporate it. Pour your milk caramel mixture into ice pop molds and chill them in the freezer until frozen solid.

Contact a specialty food seller if you would like to buy milk caramel.